Course Modules
Unit 1
Unit 1
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Unit 1 Introduction to Senior Synthesis Purpose: The BSN student needs to have the ability to synthesize all knowledge gained in the BSN program. This course provides the opportunity for demonstration and implementation of knowledge and expertise. The BSN prepared nurse is equipped to meet the ever evolving needs of the nurse. The nurse should have an understanding of all of the nursing expectations described in the CCNE Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for professional nursing practice, which provides students a retrospective view and understanding of their educational process. (Course Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Evaluate the value of CCNE Baccalaureate Essentials 2. Describe the goal and focus of the Synthesis Project 3. Identify the value of change projects in healthcare delivery Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on BSN essentials in practice 2) Assigned Reading: 3) Synthesis Project: Project Worksheet and hours log
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Discussion TopicWeek 1 Discussion and Participation Week 1 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Discussion TopicCourse Questions Course QuestionsScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Discussion TopicWeek 1 Introductions Week 1 IntroductionsScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Unit 2
Unit 2
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Change and Scholarship Purpose: The BSN nurse must have an understanding of the importance of quality patient-centered nursing care, which is obtained through scholarship, the use of evidence based practice and implementing change. The nurse will learn to recognize problems in their professional workplace, identify potential solutions, and help create an improvement in the quality and or safety of their workplace. (Course Outcome 1, 3, 5) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Appraise patient care to determine areas needing quality improvement 2. Debate the value of change projects in healthcare. 3. Examine the improvement which will be provided by proposed projects to all stakeholders 4. Predict the contribution the nurse makes as a scholar and change agent Learning Activities: 1) Synchronous meeting focused on project topics and goals 2) Assigned Reading: Brown Chapter 1, 2 3) Synthesis Project: Project Proposal and hours log
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Discussion TopicWeek 3 Discussion and Participation Week 3 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Unit 3
Unit 3
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Research Ethics Purpose: When the nurse is in the role of scholar and change agent, ethics need to be a focus. In research ethical behavior is essential. This unit will provide the nurse with training on ethics in research and how to ensure ethical behavior in their role as a nurse scholar. The nurse will gain an understanding of Institutional Review Boards (IRB) and complete the National Institutes of Health (NIH) training. (Course outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Apply research ethics 2. Outline the purpose and significance IRB 3. Identify and incorporate ethical behaviors in research 4. Complete NIH training Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on research ethics, Belmont Report 2) Assigned Reading: 3) Synthesis Project: IRB and NIH training and hours log
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Unit 4
Unit 4
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The Value of Literature Purpose: Literature databases can be seen as a peer communication tool allowing nurse scholars to share their findings and disseminate information to other nurses. Literature databases are an excellent tool for nurses. Professional journal articles in literature databases are essential to develop and maintain EBP. Nurses need to develop a comfort level with searching literature data bases and finding information and articles. (Course Outcome 5) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Evaluate the significance of literature in creating change/improvement projects 2. Evaluation of literature critical analysis 3. Integrate an understanding of literature as a means of communication among professionals into the role of the nurse Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on critical appraisal of literature 2) Assigned Reading: Brown Chapter 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 3) Synthesis Project Literature Review Part 1
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Unit 5
Unit 5
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Utilizing Literature Purpose: Literature in nursing is comprised of published articles and research which creates a data base of facts and information which nurses can use to gain insight and understanding. The BSN prepared nurse needs to go beyond simply researching literature. The BSN nurse needs to have the ability to analyze literature and identify the value the content. Learning how to critically analyze literature is a skill the nurse will take into BSN practice. This unit will focus on delving deeper into research articles and creating an annotated bibliography. (Course Outcome 3) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Implement literature critical analysis of chosen articles 2. Debate the value of literature to back up assertions and proposed change/improvements 3. Utilize literature to create a foundation for course project Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on utilizing literature to create change 2) Assigned Reading: 3) Synthesis Project: Literature Review Part 2 and hours log
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Discussion TopicWeek 5 Discussion and Participation Week 5 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Unit 6
Unit 6
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Incorporating Theory Purpose: The BSN prepared nurse needs to have a strong understanding of the value and use of theory in scholarly work and research. The nurse will review theories and incorporate a theory into their project proposal. Relevant nursing theories will be discussed and theory as a foundation for research will be a topic focus. (Course Outcome 1) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Debate the importance of theory as a foundation to support research 2. Align existing theory with proposed project 3. Incorporate theory into research and scholarly work Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on Theory to guide change 2) Assigned Reading: Review Brown, pages 28-30 3) Synthesis Project: Incorporating Theory and hours log
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Discussion TopicWeek 6 Discussion and Participation Week 6 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Unit 7
Unit 7
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Implementing Change Purpose: The BSN prepared nurse needs to have an in depth understanding of implementation of change in the healthcare setting. Change can be difficult and having an awareness of key aspects of implementation can increase the success of the change. With any change there are stakeholders who, at varying levels, are going to be affected by the change. Nurses need to be able to identify all of the stakeholders and communicate with them before, during and after the change is implemented. (Course Outcome 4) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Characterize important aspects of implementation plans 2. Identify Stakeholders in implementation 3. Create strategies for successful implementation 4. Construct materials necessary for implementation Learning Activities: 1) Synchronous meeting focused on implementation 2) Assigned Reading: Brown Chapter 14, 15, 17, 18, 19 3) Synthesis Project: Implementation plan and materials and hours log
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Unit 8
Unit 8
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Successful Implementation Purpose: Implementing change, new innovations and evidence based practice require that the nurse to has strong communication and collaboration skills with all members of the interdisciplinary team as well as all stakeholders. Successful change requires and in-depth understanding of best practices in implementation. (Course Outcome 4) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Collaborate for successful implementation 2. Recognize the importance of successful communication with all stakeholders to improve implementation 3. Identify strategies necessary to improve success in working with all members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on implementation challenges 2) Assigned Reading: 3) Synthesis Project: Location Approval Form, Weekly Journal and hours log
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Unit 9
Unit 9
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Barriers to Change Purpose: Incorporating evidence based care and interventions is essential for best practice in nursing. However, implementing change in healthcare can be challenging. The nurse needs the ability to assess for potential barriers to implementation, identify the cause of barriers and create solutions to decrease potential barriers. (Course Outcome 1, 3) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Assess potential barriers to implementation 2. Identify common barriers to change in healthcare 3. Analyze research resources to help lessen barriers to change 4. Devise strategies to deal with all potential barriers Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on implementation realities 2) Assigned Reading: 3) Synthesis Project: Weekly Journal and hours log
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Unit 11
Unit 11
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Dissemination Purpose: A key in implementing change is to share the findings of a study with stakeholders. Dissemination of findings and results are important to share information. Information dissemination can be done through a variety of interpersonal communication methods including the use of communication technology, posters, brochures and presentations. (Course Outcome 4, 6) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Examine the purpose of information dissemination 2. Appraise information dissemination as a form of professional communication 3. Research poster presentations as a form of professional nursing information dissemination Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on information dissemination and poster presentation overview 2) Assigned Reading: 5) Synthesis Project: Weekly Journal and hours log
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Discussion TopicWeek 11 Discussion and Participation Week 11 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Unit 12
Unit 12
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BSN Nurse as Leader Purpose: The implementation of change in a healthcare is the act of a nurse leader. Leadership occurs in many forms and creating improvements and facilitating change are successfully completed with support and followship. Maintaining a focus on implementing positive change and evidence based practice will allow the BSN nurse to lead within the profession of nursing and healthcare. (Course Outcome 2) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Identify the importance of BSN leadership 2. Delineate the nurse researcher as leader 3. Apply nursing research to develop EBP and lead in nursing Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on BSN nurse as leader 2) Assigned Reading: 6) Synthesis Project: Weekly Journal and hours log
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Unit 10
Unit 10
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Evaluation Purpose: An important role of the nurse when implementing change is to evaluate the process. Evaluation allows for learning, reflection and understanding. When change is implemented in healthcare, evaluation is an essential to determine if the change should be continued or discontinued. During evaluation of change, the nurse needs to have an understanding of key stakeholders and how to best disseminate information to the stakeholders. (Course outcome 5) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Examine the purpose of evaluation in creating change 2. Identify stakeholders in evaluation 3. Analyze gathered evaluation data 4. Incorporate evaluation data Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on evaluation of implemented project 2) Assigned Reading: 4) Synthesis Project: Weekly Journal and hours log
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Discussion TopicWeek 10 Discussion and Participation Week 10 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete
Unit 13
Unit 13
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Technology as Valuable Tool Purpose: The nurse leader needs to understand the value of technology. Technology can be used as a communication tool, error prevention tool and educational tool. The nurse needs become proficient with frequently used technologies and utilize them to increase sustainability in information dissemination and communication to change stakeholders. (Course outcome 6) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Utilize technology in creating change in nursing 2. Appraise the value of technology to maintain quality and safety in nursing 3. Incorporate technology to disseminate change information Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on technology to enable change 2) Assigned Reading: 3) Synthesis Project: Begin work on poster presentation
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Unit 14
Unit 14
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Unit 14 Culmination of Synthesis Project Purpose: Nurses commonly share information in poster presentation sessions. Poster presentations allow the nurse to share key aspects of a research study or an implemented change project. Poster presentations can be done electronically creating a unique learning environment and form of information dissemination. (Course Outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Evaluate the use and value of poster presentations in nursing 2. Discuss the value of the program outcomes portfolio in demonstrating learning Learning Activities: 1) Synchronous focused on virtual poster presentation 2) Assigned Reading: None 3) Synthesis Project: Poster Presentation, BSN Outcomes Portfolio, Location Evaluation
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Unit 15
Unit 15
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Transitioning to BSN Life Long Learners Purpose: The final unit of this course focuses on the need for the BSN nurse to maintain their spirit of inquiry and transition into a lifelong learner. The nurse will explore ways to continue to learn and develop their professional practice while contributing to and improving the discipline of nursing. (Course Outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Student learning objectives: Through learning activities of reading, class, case studies, and class participation the student will be able to: 1. Implement lifelong learning 2. Classify strategies for continued learning 3. Evaluate the correlation between learning, leading and advancing the discipline of nursing 4. Celebrate the accomplishment of obtaining BSN Learning Activities: 1) Interactive Discussion & Participation, focused on lifelong learner 2) Assigned Reading: None
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Discussion TopicWeek 15 Discussion and Participation Week 15 Discussion and ParticipationScore at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item marked as done and is complete Contribute Must contribute to this module item to complete it Contributed Contributed to this module item and is complete Submit Must submit this module item to complete it Submitted Module item submitted and is complete