Course Syllabus



Instructor:  Margaret E. (Marge) Vorndam

Format:  Web via Canvas

Course Information:

 Course Title: Introduction to Environmental Science   Synonym Number:  95695
 Course Code: ENV-101-DS22  Credits: 4.0
 Semester:  Spring 2016  Prerequisite:  College-level Reading
 Meeting Times and Days: Nonsynchronous except
 for synchronous Face-to-Face Field Day:  Apr 16*
 Class Location:  Web
 Start Date: 02/08/2016  End Date: 05/06/2016
 Refund Date:  02/22/2016  Withdraw Date: 04/15/2016

 * All students MUST attend this Field Day. No exceptions.  Information concerning the F2F Field Day will follow at a later date.
Snow day is Apr 23.

 Instructor Information:

Name:  Marge Vorndam
Phone:  719-489-2913 between 9:00 a.m.-7:30 pm Monday-Saturday, eMail anytime

 If you have general questions about online learning, please contact Colorado Mountain College Online Learning at 800-621-8559, extension 8341 or

 Link to printable full syllabus and schedule:

Dates for Assignments listed below are not all-inclusive. Follow the Course Schedule  published directly above this message. Note that all lab work is due on the Monday following the Week due.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due